Thursday, June 27, 2019

elderly tourist photo fascination

I'd love to go through an old person's computer. To see all the photos they've taken on their last vacation. Whenever I see elderly tourists in New York, they seem interested in most everything. Taking photos of restaurant signs, mailboxes, doors, crosswalks, candy cases at bodegas, their spouse squinting at a restaurant menu, the line outside the Supreme store on a Thursday, the subway entrance, the turnstile, the train, the advertisements inside the train, their destination. It's only a matter of time before some downtown guy makes a book of his grandparents travel photos and releases it at Mast or something.

Also - to Zoe D., FUCK U! Didn't buy the Rachel Cusk book you said - or the octopus book. Went with Jamie Bernstein's memoir, Famous Father Girl. It's about her father, Leonard Bernstein. I was hesitant to buy it because your commentary on my book choices was lingering in my mind. Lady working at McNally Jackson said it was "Divine." 

1 comment:

  1. published 2018! seems like a good choice! i just was saying you shouldn't buy classics new at mcnally! why spend 16 when you can spend 5? hope its good :)
